[hatari-devel] LED with empty floppy drives

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I have just compiled the latest Hatari-HG for Cygwin.
It seems there is a regression with the LED of empty floppy drives.

This can be easily reproduced:
- boot with a floppy in drive A:, no floppy in drive B:
- wait until the desktop appears
- double-click drive B:
- see the "drive does not answer" error message

Then normally, the B: LED should switch off after a few seconds (it works fine with the official Hatari 1.7.0 binary). But with the latest Hatari, the B: LED remains lit.

I can reproduce this bug every time with TOS 1.62.

With EmuTOS, it is even more easy to reproduce. Just boot normally (not patched for fast boot). On the welcome screen, the B: light is stuck, while it should not.

Vincent Rivière

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