Re: [hatari-devel] Regression: Lethal Xcess fullscreen |
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Am 28.05.2014 12:01, schrieb Nicolas Pomarède:
> Hi,
> Lethal Xcess has a calibration routine at start to compute values to
> remove top border and this calibration is rather short.
> Result is rather random, it works often in STF mode and works
> sometimes in STE mode.
But it worked in the past....
> I'm planning to add a quick fix for this, but the root of the problem
> is much more complicated at the MFP level (will wait for after 1.8)
I prefer a quick fix. A playable game (and it was as playable as on my
STFM and on the STE in older Hatari versions) is more worth than that
last cycle accurate emulation which breaks the game.
Please, fix it now and do the perfection later :)
It's the coolest technical shooter for the ST afterall - and it now
works from PASTI images too :)