Re: [hatari-devel] OS X performance problem

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On torstai 29 toukokuu 2014, Bob Carpenter wrote:
> On May 28, 2014, at 5:46 PM, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> Something dealing with screen refresh ??
> > 
> > Try "--statusbar=no --drive-led=no" to see whether these
> > affect the screen update.
> This solved the problem for me. Shutting off the status bar brought
> Hatari back up to full speed. Since the status bar was never a problem
> before, I am wondering if it is the track information that is being
> constantly displayed. I do not know what else has been changed in the
> status bar that would have such a drastic effect. The other new
> information is very static (do you have a joystick plugged in?).

Yes, it's probably floppy track information.  If it gets updated
more often than Hatari screen (50-71Hz), it needs to be rate-limited.

Do you get a problem if you use just HD, or drive LED:
	--statusbar=no --drive-led=yes

> Unlike Jerome, I am using the OS X GUI that is in Mercurial. With that
> interface, I was able to use the OS X menu items without Hatari without
> a problem. Occasionally, selecting a disk through the OS X file selector
> would bring up the SPOD (think GEM busy bee cursor). However, that was
> not consistent and the function did work after 1-3 seconds.
> @Nicolas - Is there any way to disable the track information without
> affecting the rest of the status bar? I do miss the LED lights and the
> fast forward indicator along with my current TOS version.
> Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I was very discouraged yesterday
> that an OS X binary might not be possible. I feel better about it today.

What SDL version you have?  From earlier discussions on this topic,
it seems that SDL backend for OSX works differently (badly) compared
to backends on other platforms, but that might be specific to older
SDL versions.

	- Eero

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