Re: [hatari-devel] OS X performance problem |
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On Thu, 29 May 2014, Thomas Huth wrote:
Try "--statusbar=no --drive-led=no" to see whether these affect the screen update.This solved the problem for me. Shutting off the status bar brought Hatari back up to full speed. Since the status bar was never a problem before, I am wondering if it is the track information that is being constantly displayed. I do not know what else has been changed in the status bar that would have such a drastic effect.The new code calls SDL_UpdateRects() quite often. I think that call is quite expensive on Mac OS X. I might be better to gather the update regions and then to do one single SDL_UpdateRects() at the end of the function.
Hi,this was a topic several years ago. The status display can slow framerate down to a halt by just blinking the drive led on/off. It's not a new problem, but might be intensified with more stuff in the statusbar.
Funnily enough, I notice this problem much more with the powerful discrete AMD Radeon videochip rather than with the slower Intel videochip.
Other emulators such as eUAE moved to OpenGL rendering and things was speeded up massivly.
-- Anders Eriksson ae@xxxxxx ae@xxxxxxxxx
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