[hatari-devel] OS X performance problem |
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I was able to compile the new devel version with little problem. Unfortunately, Hatari’s performance is so slow as to make it unusable. Right now, I have no idea where the problem is located. I downloaded the released 1.7 code to make sure nothing had changed in Xcode that would cause the poor performance. That worked fine.
I also happened to download the source code on 22 May to try to understand the OS X interface. I could compile that version of Hatari without any speed penalty.
I downloaded the Windows hourly binary from Christer’s website and it performs normally as well so it appears the problem is either on my compilation or with the OS X binary. Would it make any sense to try to compile Hatari without getting any of the OS X interface? I have tried to do that in the past without any success.
Bob C