Re: [hatari-devel] mingw-w64

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On 26/09/2013 18:53, Christer Solskogen wrote:

Hm, but something is fishy here.
EXECUTE_PROCESS is never run, for some reason.
And if it ever will run, it will give false output if the cross
compiler it finds is not configured with sysroot. Alas, when it finds
SDL.h it finds /usr/include/SDL/SDL.h. Which most certainly will be
installed on your machine if you use hatari.

   # Default value if MINGW_ROOT_PATH is not defined

This one does not make any sense (to cmake) - it will default to this
even if MINGW_ROOT_PATH is set.

Then something is wrong with your system, this perfectly works for me, MINGW_ROOT_PATH is correctly evaluated.

I added this line in toolchain, line 46 to debug :

message(STATUS "cmake root : ${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}")

If I run ./configure --cross-compile-win32  (no -DMINGW_ROOT_PATH parameter)
I get :
-- cmake root : /usr/i586-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw
  -> default value is used

If I change configure to add -DMINGW_ROOT_PATH=mingw_test
I get :
-- cmake root : /usr/i586-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw_test
  -> -D parameter MINGW_ROOT_PATH is correcly used as expected

I use cmake version 2.8.9


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