Re: [hatari-devel] mingw-w64 |
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Le 20/09/2013 20:38, Christer Solskogen a écrit :
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 8:29 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:your mingw is in /opt, is it because you compiled/installed it yourself, or is it your distrib that puts it here ? (it usually goes into /usr in most distrib)I've compiled it my self. I use the latest trunk of mingw-w64. Just to make stuff "worse" - cmake have no trouble finding SDL library even without setting SDLDIR.
Just trying to understand, but it could be that something was not correctly configured when you configured mingw to go in /opt ?
Do you have the possibility to install the mingw packages provided by your distrib ? Even if it's not the most up to date version for you, just to see if this version is correctly detected by cmake ?
It's possible many people encounter errors with mingw/sdl, but on the other end I was able to have SDLDIR correctly used on 3 different distro, so it's not easy to see what's the cause for this and the "hint" not being used in cmake.
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