Re: [hatari-devel] Test needed to build OSX version

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I just compiled Hatari with the updated English and French lproj directories. Hatari does compile and I see the Info.plist file inside the bundle. I would say you could update these directories and the OS X version will compile.


Thank you for the information on the manual XIB compile. I was trying to automate the compile in the Xcode project. In the current Xcode version (4.6.3), the XIB file was listed as a resource but it was only copied to the application bundle. It was not compiled to an NIB file. I was just wondering if you put the NIB file in a different place in the project to get it to compile or whether you did something to either an Xcode preference or a build setting to make it compile the XIB file. 

When 1.7 is released, I look forward to seeing your Universal Binary. I am very hopeful it will be uploaded to Tuxfamily by the time I get back from holiday in a couple of weeks.

Bob C

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 7:00 AM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 23/06/2013 10:51, Jerome Vernet wrote:
Le 22/06/13 13:07, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :


if .xib files are easier for devel, can't we have an hybrid model and
go back to the previous setting using .nib files ? People working on
the OSX gui (you or other) can work locally with a .xib files then
send the resulting .nib files to be included in the HG repo ?

Unless someone could test the above cmake patch you sent (and fix it
if needed), in which case we could keep xib files and convert them
locally on each build ?

To make a NIB file from a xib file, symply use Interface Builder and
"Save As", choose NIB.
A XIB file inserted in a XCode 3.2.6 project while be automaticaly
compiled as nib file.

Anyway, it's better for now to keep the NIB file for the moment, here is
the two lproj folder to replace.



Bob, can you try replacing those 2 zip directories in the latest sources from the HG repo ? I'd rather have your confirmation that it works for you before pushing new files to the HG repo (to avoid unneccesary commits).


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