Re: [hatari-devel] Test needed to build OSX version

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On 20/06/2013 03:47, Bob Carpenter wrote:
I have a Mac but I have never used Mercurial. If none of the other Mac
people can try it out, I can see what I can do to install Mercurial on
my Mac. I have always just compiled the code uploaded to tuxfamily.

Bob C


that would be really appreciated if you could test it ; installing mercurial should bu easy, but as david posted a tar.gz archive, you can use this.

Especially, can you check if the compilation still works if you remove the directory "Hatari Help Folder" ? I'm not sure it's really used, so I could reamove it it it's the case.

Once this is verified, Hatari 1.7 should be ready for release.


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