Re: [AD] Allegro fails to fully build

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Well, I tried to rebuild Allegro from SVN 14595 and the undefined references to dlopen, dlclose, and dlsym are gone now. Not sure what changed.

The undefined references to _colorconv_rgb_scale_5x35, _colorconv_rgb_map, and _colorconv_indexed_palette are still there though.

All three of those symbols are declared once as 'extern...blah' in allegro/src/misc/ccolconv.c and are defined only in allegro/src/misc/colconv.c. I think the reason there are undefined references is because allegro/src/misc/colconv.c is not being built and put into the allegro library archive file.

In the file allegro/cmake/FileList.cmake, src/misc/colconv.c is included in most of the cmake symbols ALLEGRO_SRC_*_FILES, except for ALLEGRO_SRC_DOS_FILES, ALLEGRO_SRC_LINUX_FILES, and ALLEGRO_SRC_UNIX_FILES. However, it is included in ALLEGRO_SRC_X_FILES.

Is X built for all Unix/Linux builds?

I think (but I could easily be wrong, someone verify this please?) that ALLEGRO_SRC_UNIX_FILES should include src/misc/colconv.c and maybe ALLEGRO_SRC_DOS_FILES should include it as well?

I also tried to build Allegro on Windows, but that failed as well, with many undefined references to 'mcount', but I suppose that can wait until I get it sorted out with Linux.


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