Re: [AD] Allegro fails to fully build

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On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Edgar <edgarreynaldo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, because the latest version (1.5.1) of libpng's png.h doesn't
> include zlib.h anymore.

It seems my distro (Ubuntu) only ships the 1.2.x series of libpng still.
Could you make a patch for this?

> The real problem is with the distribution's
> allegro/examples/CMakeLists.txt file at least, because the examples
> aren't being properly linked to Allegro and in the case of ex12bit, it's
> not being linked to ltdl, which is why there are undefined references to
> dl_open, dl_close, so on...

Will accept patches for this as well.


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