Re: [AD] April First

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2009/2/24 Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 23 feb 2009, at 16:52, Peter Wang wrote:
>> That said, I have been thinking about a similar plan for later *this
>> year*.
>> Instead of reaching for an unattainably perfect "5.0" release, we'd
>> aim for
>> a decent 5.0 release, with an intent to release 5.2 relatively soon
>> after;
>> the point of which is to nail down the API so people can start to
>> use it
>> without worrying about getting the rug pulled from under their feet.
>> They may, however, hit bugs (unavoidable), implementation
>> limitations, unclear
>> documentation, etc.  Of course, we should try to improve those
>> aspects also,
>> but the focus would need to switch to critically reviewing the API
>> that we
>> already have.
> Oh, I agree, in general terms. "5.0" doesn't have to be perfect, but
> it needs to be ok, without too many glaring bugs and the API has to be
> reasonably complete and polished so people can really use it (we don't
> want to release a KDE 4.0).

In an earlier draft (which I lost) I specifically mentioned KDE 4.0.
I don't follow KDE development, but some of the justification I read
was that it was meant to be a stable base to develop for, and then KDE
4.2 came out not too long after.  That's exactly what I'm aiming for.

> However, real bugfixes and documentation
> updates/clarifications go into 5.0.1, which I would see coming out a
> month or two after 5.0.0 and then push for 5.2 within, say, a year or
> half a year?

Yes, like that.

> Which reminds me of something else I forgot about: what happened to
> the plan of having support for multiple mice?

I just found the thread.  It was your plan ;-) and the plan was to use
TLS to hide multiple mouse support in the common case.  I think it's one
of those things we can leave planned but unimplemented.


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