[AD] April First

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April first is coming fast, so the question is: do we release something on April first and if so, what? I think we definitely should release something, so in my opinion the answer to the first question is "yes". The second one isn't so clear.

What is clear, I think, is that it's not going to be something we would want to call "5.0.0 release", because I don't think we're going to get the API finalisation, debugging and manual writing done before then.

What I think we can reach by that time is a "beta" or "preview" release where the API has stabilised (feature freeze), but that does mean we would need to get a lot of things done before the next release (in one-two weeks?) and immediately after. The distinction "beta" and "release candidate" would be that for the RC, we would need to have the code base better debugged, better examples and better documentation.

All of this is of course just a cheap ploy to release something with "5.0" in the version string on April first. An alternative I would like could be "5.0-epsilon".

Thoughts? Suggestions?


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