Re: [AD] native filechooser addon |
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On 23 feb 2009, at 08:25, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
Ok, I'll update my OS X implementation so it works again, then commit it.
Done. It seems to work fine in itself, but I have an annoying problem running the example program (as noted in the commit message): it crashes after the dialog is closed. The crash seems to occur in al_font_textprintf_centre(), it seems one of the blenders is trying to read an invalid pixel. It is of course possible that I broke something when I was going through the OS X OpenGL code yesterday, but I can't reproduce the problem with any of the other examples. I'll investigate, but it would be good if people can confirm that the problem does not occur on other platforms, or does not occur on OS X using the GTK version of the file picker (I should be able to do that one myself).
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