Re: [AD] April First

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On 23 feb 2009, at 16:52, Peter Wang wrote:
A feature freeze is possible, but the deadline is too short to finalise
the API.

Yeah, it is coming very soon. We're close, I think, but the last few bits always take the most time.

That said, I have been thinking about a similar plan for later *this year*. Instead of reaching for an unattainably perfect "5.0" release, we'd aim for a decent 5.0 release, with an intent to release 5.2 relatively soon after; the point of which is to nail down the API so people can start to use it
without worrying about getting the rug pulled from under their feet.
They may, however, hit bugs (unavoidable), implementation limitations, unclear documentation, etc. Of course, we should try to improve those aspects also, but the focus would need to switch to critically reviewing the API that we
already have.

Oh, I agree, in general terms. "5.0" doesn't have to be perfect, but it needs to be ok, without too many glaring bugs and the API has to be reasonably complete and polished so people can really use it (we don't want to release a KDE 4.0). However, real bugfixes and documentation updates/clarifications go into 5.0.1, which I would see coming out a month or two after 5.0.0 and then push for 5.2 within, say, a year or half a year?

Something to keep in mind, now that I think of it, for when 5.0 is out and we have extra time on our hands (hah!): many people are doing development for portable devices (the iPhone is what I was mainly thinking of here) and we should probably try to make it easy to get Allegro programs ported there. In the particular case of the iPhone, this might be relatively easy, since it runs a stripped-down version of OS X. How hard it would be to do this depends on how stripped down it really is.
Anyway, something to keep in mind.

Which reminds me of something else I forgot about: what happened to the plan of having support for multiple mice?


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