Re: [AD] native filechooser addon

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Ok, I've thought about it a bit more. I now think the current file selector API is broken. The reason I now think this is because it uses the event system to return its results, but there is no logical reason why it should work that way. In a sense, it's abusing the event system.
It also forces users who don't (want to) use the event system to use it.

So. Here's what I currently think: the file selector should be a blocking function on all platforms, returning the number of files selected, 0 if the file selector was cancelled, or -1 if it isn't available on the target platform. There is the question of how to return the results, but the user could be told to pass in an ALLEGRO_PATH** that we allocate and fill (not sure; essentially we need a way to return arbitrarily many values). We document that this is a blocking function. When calling this function, the user has two options: the first is to process all events in the queue before this function is called and flush all queues afterwards. Yes, this means window close events will be ignored. I don't think that's a problem, it's the normal behavior on OS X anyway. The second is that the user calls the blocking function from a separate thread, and ejects the result in the event queue when he's done. This is essentially what the current implementation forces you to do anyway (in which case the user abuses the event system but Allegro's API doesn't, I think that's ok). This also cleans up the need to steal another event ID (by the way, what happened to using AL_ID's for event types?)


I'll clean up my OS X file selector when it's clear what the API should look like.


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