Re: [AD] native filechooser addon

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On 22-Feb-09, at 6:52 PM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
I think any A5 program not using the events system is broken. If it was
for me, we would remove the functions to get "current" mouse/keyboard
state :P

I'll have to agree to the point that I don't see myself not using the event system now that I'm used to it. ;)

Yeah, I wanted to avoid having to provide another function to free such
an array (free() could not be used).

Yes, that's the problem. However, right now, there is a problem: if we allow the user to select an arbitrary number of files, we also need a way to return all that information to the user. Right now, some of it will just be lost.
I don't know what the best solution would be though...
Ok, I may know: have a function that initialises a FILE_PICKER object and returns it, a function that uses the FILE_PICKER object to get a list of files from the user and an accessor function that gets the data back from the FILE_PICKER object to the program. That's adding yet another datatype though...

Won't work under X11 right now as you need to handle at least window
redraw events at all times.

Yeah, you mentioned that... it's really annoying, I think. ;)
Is there no way around that, in the case where the window is currently inactive? It's also not nice from a portability point of view: behavior differs across different platforms. Not cool.

That sounds like a good idea. Basically I would just move some code out
of gtk_dialog.c into ex_native_file_chooser.c - it would keeping just
the same, just the native dialog implementations would have less to take
care of. I'll change it to that sometime today or tomorrow.

Shouldn't you be asleep?!
I can probably do this as well.


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