Re: [AD] native filechooser addon

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On 22-Feb-09, at 1:41 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
Would it be extended for simple alert boxes and so on?

Not a bad idea, but where do we draw the line?
I can see a use for "native" menus in such a tool too (in fact, in OS X this would probably be easy, since every Allegro program already has a menu bar). Presumably that's crossing that particular line? ;)

There is no way to forcefully cancel a dialog box. If you pop up a file
dialog, but then the user decides to quit the program without closing
that dialog the you'll probably have a problem as the event queue might
be destroyed already.

In my opinion, it should probably be a blocking call. In OS X, this is also the expected behavior of a file dialog popup, so that's how I'm thinking to implement it there.


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