Re: [AD] Additions for al_get_path() (was Re: Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki))

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On 14-Dec-08, at 10:29 PM, Matthew Leverton wrote:
I would assume that AL_USER_HOME_PATH is meant for files that the user
can open up and access outside of the Allegro application. With that
interpretation, I think CSIDL_PERSONAL is the only choice.

Ok, I changed it in the patch I just send to the list.

It might be better to keep the constants named according to what type
of data goes there. Ie., I don't think HOME_PATH is necessarily a good
name, because it doesn't describe what belongs there.

Hmm... yes, true.

Okay, this is what I assume you were talking about at the beginning of
the thread.


How necessary are these paths?  What is a "setting"?

Basically, it's where application-specific configuration data can be found. I think it's also where application specific data can be written. They are needed, as I recall, for OS X, where settings and data (or "read-only" data and "read-or-write" data) are not supposed to be placed in the same location.

If it's always a key/value pair, then perhaps a more platform natural
way of implementing these is via configuration API similar to the INI
files. This would prevent people from putting things in the wrong
place (e.g., a high score in the settings folder). Windows can place
the values in the registry where they belong, and other systems can
place them in configuration files in the proper place.

I was wondering about the Windows registry. Does Allegro (5) allow for it to be used at all?

If they are kept as duplicate folders, then it will be necessary to
point out that unique filenames will be necessary to avoid naming



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