[AD] Additions for al_get_path() (was Re: Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki))

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On 9-Dec-08, at 11:25 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
It needs AL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS and AL_PATH_SYSTEM_SETTINGS to be added. IIRC OSX doesn't want to place the settings for things in the same place, and if we ever do get a al_set_application_name(...) function, then the full dir path
including the app name can be automatically included for the user.

Its a simple addition, just add two new enum values to the enum, and implement
as the specific platform expects.

Preliminary patch attached (not thoroughly tested).
I've made the following identifications:

* OS X:
  AL_USER_PATH_SETTINGS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/
  AL_SYSTEM_PATH_SETTINGS: /Library/Application Support/

* Linux/generic UNIX:

* Windows:

The OS X ones I'm fairly certain are correct. I'm not so secure about the generic UNIX ones; my logic here was that global settings would go in /etc/namerc and user settings in ~/.namerc (or ~/.name/namerc), which I think is common but of course not reflected simply by the directory name. Of course, /etc/ should be something that can be set (at the very least) at configure time, just like /usr/share/ for AL_SYSTEM_DATA_PATH. Windows doesn't seem to have the equivalent of a "settings" directory, probably because settings are supposed to go into the registry - which I'm guessing isn't addressable as a filesystem.
Let me know what you think.

Should I post the hard-coded value of /usr/share on the tracker?

Finally, I want to point out an inconsistency for the return value of al_get_path() between platforms in the case that the path cannot be retrieved (invalid enum or can't find it). On Windows, the current code always returns the "dir" parameter, which is "" in that case. On OS X and *nix, the return value is NULL. Which of these is correct?


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