Re: [AD] Platform specific functions in A5 [was Re: Windows Addition for Message Parsing] |
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Ok, we are kinda understanding each other now. That's quite better.
I don't think there was any misunderstanding at all. Well, maybe there was if you thought there was one. Anyway.
So if multiple mice support is to be implemented on allegro, the way for doing it in windows would be as done in rawmouse. However we are not sure how it would be implemented on other platforms. MPX seems to be not implemented as of yet as a xorg default thing as far as we could see, so no clue on how to do the implementation for X11 or OSX.
I don't think that's a problem. As I understand, the event system could support it with little or no modification, other parts of the current API could use thread local storage to keep track of what is considered to be the "current" mouse. All this changes is to add two functions for "al_get_number_of_mice" and "al_set_current_mouse" to the API. Internally it would be more work, but that can mostly be deferred to a point where we do know how to implement it, or have time to implement it. All that needs to be worked out is what vtable functions to add and have them default to do "nothing" (so we just have one mouse) on all platforms, as we do now.
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