[AD] Windows Addition for Message Parsing

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WARNING: I don't speak english. I'll try to be as clear as possible,
try to bear with me.

I'm working on a project where multiple  mice input was needed and I found this
the raw mouse code allows you to detect multiple mice BUT it parses
WM_INPUT messages for its implementation.

I am using allegro for graphics and sound so I wanted to integrate it
with my project.

My first approach was creating a window by hand, with a procedure of
my own for parsing its messages, then attaching the window to allegro
with win_set_window() and controlling the peek-translate-dispatch
process in my code.
It did work but I had to integrate the game loop somewhere with a
sleep for parsing messages. far from ideal.

So I modified the allegro library code and introduced a function that
allows the user to define a sort of callback.
If such a function is defined, allegro calls it as it enters the
WindowProc (directx_wnd_proc), then the user defined function gets the
chance to parse the messages... if the user-defined function returns
0, then the message it's not parsed by allegro, otherwise it gets
further parsed within directx_wnd_proc if needed.

That lets me leave the window and message handling to allegro but
still being able to parse the WM_INPUT messages when received.

I've attached a patch for Allegro 4.22 sources and the information
needed for doing the mod "by hand" if patch doesn't work.

++ I would like to know if you find the modification useful and worth
to be included in future releases of Allegro. ++

Thanks to trentg, Tomasu, svenVI who supported me on IRC to post this
here and also gave me guidelines on how to post it.

Feedback is appreciated. S.P.A.M is not.

 Elias Zacarias

Attachment: win_set_msg_pre_proc.zip
Description: Zip archive

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