Re: [AD] Two custom mouse cursor patches

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On 15 Sep 2008, at 08:04, Peter Hull wrote:
Are you using cmake now or the XCode project?


XCode's really useful
for the debugger, code completion, online help etc but it is a pain
for some things e.g. the #include file location thing.

Well, I'm used to running gdb from the commandline (although it was preciously unhelpful yesterday). I haven't used a proper IDE in years. I'm usre OS X has neat OS X tools to do stuff, but to me OS X is mostly just a quirky flavour of UNIX, so I prefer to use tools that work on other equally quirky flavours of UNIX too. :)

(Aside: how hard would it be to get the X11 port working on OS X? It's probably not of any real practical use, but it could help debug that port as well).

And, where in the world are you? You email says .nl but I thought you
were in Canada.

I am in Canada. Keeping my (personal) Dutch e-mail account though. I always hate it when people switch e-mail accounts. :)


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