Re: [AD] Two custom mouse cursor patches

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On Monday 15 September 2008, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On 15 Sep 2008, at 08:04, Peter Hull wrote:
> > Are you using cmake now or the XCode project?
> CMake.
> > XCode's really useful
> > for the debugger, code completion, online help etc but it is a pain
> > for some things e.g. the #include file location thing.
> Well, I'm used to running gdb from the commandline (although it was
> preciously unhelpful yesterday). I haven't used a proper IDE in years.
> I'm usre OS X has neat OS X tools to do stuff, but to me OS X is
> mostly just a quirky flavour of UNIX, so I prefer to use tools that
> work on other equally quirky flavours of UNIX too. :)
> (Aside: how hard would it be to get the X11 port working on OS X?
> It's probably not of any real practical use, but it could help debug
> that port as well).
> > And, where in the world are you? You email says .nl but I thought you
> > were in Canada.
> I am in Canada. Keeping my (personal) Dutch e-mail account though. I
> always hate it when people switch e-mail accounts. :)

For some reason I thought you decided to go to Europe instead of Canada :o Oh 
well, Canada rocks, and feel free to stop by Alberta and you can meet both 
Trent and me :)

> Evert
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