[AD] Two custom mouse cursor patches |
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The first adds support for custom mouse cursors as well as system cursors to OpenGL/MacOS X, at least for windowed mode (I haven't tested if the same setup would work in fullscreen mode too). I implemented this in src/macosx/osxgl.m, at first without realising that Peter Hull had already done part of the work in src/macosx/ qzmouse.m. It probably belongs more properly in qzmouse.m, although this way the display driver vtable can be set up without needing to make the functions global. I can change this anyway as part of the cleanup if desired. Much of this code was actually almost directly copied from Allegro 4.2's code base. Peter: how does this code look to you? Any traps I might have fallen into with this? Other comments?
The second patch adds text to ex_mouse_cursor explaining how to use the program. It uses TTF fonts at the moment because those seem to be the only ones that work on MacOS X at the moment. Let me know if it's ok and I'll commit it.
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