Re: [AD] OpenGL

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On 2006-07-25, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What are the plans for 4.3 OpenGL?
> Does it seam feasible to somehow merge in all of AllegroGL, just so we
> have working OpenGL again in 4.3, and then worry about refining this to
> a new graphics driver structure later?

As I said on, this is my preferred option now.

(1) I think there would be a lot of accumulated knowledge lurking in the
AllegroGL code already, in the form of driver-specific hacks,
workarounds, etc.  If you start over you might miss out on some of that.

(2) We have to plan for people coming and going from this project.  It
is harder to pick up where you left off if the code doesn't work.

(3) I wouldn't count on it, but working code should encourage more


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