[AD] OpenGL

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What are the plans for 4.3 OpenGL?

Does it seam feasible to somehow merge in all of AllegroGL, just so we
have working OpenGL again in 4.3, and then worry about refining this to
a new graphics driver structure later?

Or is it maybe better to start a clean OpenGL driver from scratch?

The former probably would be rather messy, but once it compiles, would
mean we get all the features already in AllegroGL. The latter means,
we'd initially start with only a minimal implementation, and then would
need to add the required features again step by step (probably peeking
at the AllegroGL code).

What I expect in the end is, that I simply can do:

display = al_create_display(640, 480, AL_AUTODETECT, AL_OPENGL);
glClearColor(0, 0, 1, 1);

Each graphics driver would have a capability flag telling if it can
provide an OpenGL context or not. And graphics drivers would see in
their initialization function if OpenGL is requested, and initialize an
OpenGL context if so.

Elias Pschernig

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