Re: [AD] OpenGL

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On Tuesday 25 July 2006 14:26, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Yes, I think we have to do that.

Ok, will do.
*evil laughter*

> Yes, but I'm talking about the case where I do want to use the OpenGL
> API :)

Ok, then we agree on how things should work.

> But all the flag should do is allow me to use the OpenGL API. Even if it
> is a Mesa driver, that is ok. I never should quite on the user because
> they don't use an accelerated driver, but I have to quit on them if they
> don't have a driver providing OpenGL, if my program uses OpenGL.

Ah, true enough! I hadn't considered that.
Ok, an AL_OPENGL driver it is then!


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