Re: [AD] build process overhaul

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On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 14:18 -0500, Jon Rafkind wrote:
> >
> >Why not indeed? Does Anyone know?
> >I always assumed that there was a good reason for having a plugins.h 
> >sitting in obj/platform/ but now I can't really think of any except for it 
> >being a generated file... which doesn't strike me as much of a reason, 
> >actually.
> >
> >  
> >
> There are, I suppose, numerous solutions to this problem but I have come 
> up with the following. Include just "plugins.h" in datedit.c and add 
> -I$(OBJDIR), which is -Iobj/unix on my system, to the makefile. In the 
> scons script plugins.h is catted into the builddir, build/release, and 
> -Ibuild/release is added to the compilation line. Does this seem like a 
> reasonable solution?
> It is sort of ugly to add -Iobj/unix to gcc so plugins.h could just be 
> generated in tools/ or tools/plugins but then the shell scripts in 
> allegro/misc would have to change to handle this( something I didnt want 
> to do ). I guess Ill just attach the patch of what I changed to be 
> perfectly clear:

I like the solution to generate it in tools/plugins most. So no need to
specify the obj/ dir inside any sources like now (ugh), or as compiler
option. Like Evert said.. there seem to be no good reason for the
current way, probably it simply is like that since about Allegro 1.0,
and then nobody thought about it again :)

Elias Pschernig

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