Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0

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On 11/13/05, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sunday 13 November 2005 09:13, Peter Wang wrote:
> > Maybe someone will need to get a hold of the 4.0.3 DLL?
> Hmm... I'd thought the need for that would be gone now, but you're probably
> right in saying it isn't. I'll put the 4.0.3 DLL back up, but perhaps it
> should be just the DLL? Maybe this could even go in the binary orenduser
> package.
On, I have this file:

Basically, that is just a mini installer that copies the alleg40.dll
to the Window/System32 folder only if it needs to be. (Ie, it is
missing or an older version is currently installed.)

I don't have one for 4.2.0 yet. However, I'm leaning toward just
having the alleg42.dll in a zip file and leaving it at that.

Regarding, I think a Windows enduser should be made for 4.0 and
put in the "enduser" category. I would think that only the alleg40.dll
needs to be in there. I don't think we should be responsible if
someone releases a project that requires a
debugging DLL. A similar package for 4.2 could be made as well.

This would allow for the "allegro-dll" category to be hidden forever.
(And as it is now, a google search for "download alleg40.dll" works
just fine...)

Matthew Leverton

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