Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0

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On Sunday 13 November 2005 09:13, Peter Wang wrote:
> Maybe someone will need to get a hold of the 4.0.3 DLL?

Hmm... I'd thought the need for that would be gone now, but you're probably 
right in saying it isn't. I'll put the 4.0.3 DLL back up, but perhaps it 
should be just the DLL? Maybe this could even go in the binary orenduser 

> And how come some of the betas and RCs are hidden?  I actually might be
> responsible for hiding some of the 4.0.x ones, but at the moment I don't
> see any reason they should not be available.

Well, I hid them mainly because the 4.0 ones were hidden, but I think 
there's some rationale behind it: the 4.2.0 beta's and RC's are called 
`4.2.0' and their DLLs are also called alleg42.dll. We don't want people 
accidentally ending up with one of these and confuse them with the real 
thing (I know there are ways to tell them apart but them being called 
4.2.0 doesn't help much).
Maybe for the 4.3 branch we should stop calling things release candidates 
or betas and just continue the minor number increments until release.


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