Re: [AD] MSVC 8 cl flags

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> I agree - if they remove libc functions, then we won't use it anymore.
> Essentially, this is not a C compiler then any longer.. those functions
> are in C99, so a C compiler must support them.

I think it always was a C++ compiler, but I could be wrong. But, not 
implemenrting C99 features and deprecating C library function (which 
predate C99) are two different things.

> What I think we should drop for after 4.2.0 is things like defining all
> variables at the beginning of blocks - I find this is just bad style and
> leads to programming errors.

This is a very volatile discussion point, and my point of view follows Owen 
Rudge's: variables should be declared together at the top of the scoping 
unit so that their definitions can be easily found; declaring variables 
all over the place is bad style, only slightly better than having the 
compiler declare variables implicitly. I consider it to be the greatest 
misfeature of C++ and C99.
I'll just hasten myself to stress that that's my opinion though. In the end 
it's probably a minor point, but one that I don't feel is important enough 
to break compatibility over.


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