Re: [AD] Proposal for new branch

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

On 2004-08-27, Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Anyone who wants it: cvs update -r new_api_branch

How would you like to update the texts of the web to show this?

Hmm.  I think the tree branches need descriptions, like this:

   The available branches are:

   - HEAD: This holds the current unstable series, i.e. Allegro 4.1.x.

- allegro_4_0_branch: This holds the current stable series. Only bug fixes are applied to this branch. Usually patches are only applied to the trunk (i.e. Allegro 4.1.x) then backported en mass to this branch at a later stage.

- new_api_branch: This is where development of the _next_ unstable series of Allegro is being developed, i.e. what will become the 4.3.x series. It is being developed in parallel with the 4.1.x series. It is called "new_api_branch" because we are starting a new API for Allegro. Don't fret: the current API will remain available through a compatibility layer.

... Then we need a link to a more detailed document explaining what's going to happen with the new & old APIs issue.

Module allegro_new should be labeled as obsolete.

Also, the front page should say something about what's happening. And disclaim AllegroPro, please!


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