Re: [AD] Magic main in Windows

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On Aug 9, 2004, at 6:47 PM, Daniel Schlyder wrote:
Of course it doesn't help that most Windows users don't even know that that's
partly the same as clicking My Documents in the start menu.

Are you sure you speak for most Windows users? At least, this hasn't been my

Without trying to be insulting or saying ALL Windows users are so ignorant, that has been my experience also. Most Windows users I have encountered don't really understand the way their files are organized in a hierarchical file system, with directories and files in other directories. At most they know where to click to access certain things.

(A couple years ago I had a job installing cable modems. So every day I'd go to 4 or 5 houses and run cable and then talk to the people and see their computer and if necessary teach them how to use the cable modem. It was pretty sad how completely ignorant most computer using people are about computers. What I think was also sad is that nearly everyone ran Windows. During about a year of seeing 4 or 5 computers a day, I saw maybe 5 Macs (all running OS 9, even though OS 10 was out) and 2 machines running Linux.)

Mike Benfield

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