Re: x color conversion [Was: Re: [AD] minor fix]

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"Elias Pschernig" <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > Hm, I just ran the demo program when experimenting with uthreds.c, and
> > apparently the new color conversion breaks the startup dialogs (they
> > stay black). I'm still investigating, but I don't think the fault is in
> > demo.c. Do you have any idea where the problem could lie? (test/expal
> > and other 8-bit stuff works - so this really is odd)
> Ok, it's definitely the color conversion patch. See the attached
> testcase - it works when reverting the patch, and has random colors with
> it.

Thanks for test-case. I'll take a look at it and let you know when I have a

Note to Evert: I test all patches I send, but that doesn't mean that they
are guaranteed to be bug free.

Henrik Stokseth.

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