Re: [AD] Proposal for a set_icon function

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> What name do you use for the icon in the resource file ?
> I proposed "allegro_icon" in a previous message but you're coding the
> utility...

I was using IDI_APPLICATION so it would show in the title, but i changed
it now..

> Take a look at exedat.c: it supports even more options and the commandline
> parser is not that big (size of the compiled program: 9kb on Windows). Then
> it's just a matter of loading the datafile. Is the utility statically linked
> on BeOS ?

Ok, I added a -d switch (along with some others) to the windows version, so
it should have all the features now someone might ask for :) (Doubling the
size in the process)

> > I adjusted it to have exactly the same format as bfixicon, and can copy it
> > to the /tools dir as well if it seems useful..
> Since the utility is obviously platform-dependent, I think we should create
> sub-directories in the tools directory.

Ok, I attached it, do with it what you want..

Elias Pschernig

Attachment: wfixicon.c.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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