Re: [AD] Proposal for a set_icon function |
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> The tools directory is there for this purpose I think.
> > Elias is already working on a wfixicon tool, which will be similar to the
> > BeOS one, but for Win32. Details on this have still to be defined;
> > currently the program is meant to generate a .ico from an image, to be
> > used into a .rc file, but I don't know the details. Elias?
> Great (2) !
> Maybe can we also provide a script that automatically generates the object
> file (or is that really overkill) ?
wfixicon outputs a .ico and .rc file. "windres name.rc name.o" then creates
the .o file to be linked. It might be quite useful, if you want to have icons
under windows, but can only provide a .bmp. Outside of makefiles it is not
much more than a standard ->.ico converter, but it has only about 150 lines.
When used in a makefile, it is very nice. The source distribution of my
current project compiles to icon-executables on BeOS as well as windows
now with wfixicon and bfixicon, by only providing a single bitmap in any
Allegro-readable format :)
I adjusted it to have exactly the same format as bfixicon, and can copy it
to the /tools dir as well if it seems useful..
Elias Pschernig