Re: [AD] Patches [WAS: soname's major number?]

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#include <hallo.h>

hehe, I forget what I wanted to post in the previous mail. Here are some
Debian patches which may be used in the main Allegro distribution. See
attachment, pick useful stuff from the patchfile.

Eduard Bloch <blade@xxxxxxxxxx>; HP:
0xEDF008C5(GnuPG): E6EB 98E2 B885 8FF0 6C04 5C1D E106 481E EDF0 08C5
I am Stefan Raab of Borg. You will listen to Wadde Hadde Dudeda. Good
songs are futile.
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/all-demo.6
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/all-demo.6
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+.TH ALLEGRO 6 "November 18, 2000"
+all-demo \- Allegro's demonstration game
+.B allegro
+This is a simple game which demonstrates some features of the Allegro
+library, but it is also fully playable. The source is contained in the
+liballegro-doc package.
+Use arrow buttons (left, right, up) to control your ship.
+Allegro is gift-ware. It was created by a number of people working in
+cooperation, and is given to you freely as a gift. You may use, modify,
+redistribute, and generally hack it about in any way you like, and you do
+not have to give us anything in return. However, if you like this product
+you are encouraged to thank us by making a return gift to the Allegro
+community. This could be by writing an add-on package, providing a useful
+bug report, making an improvement to the library, or perhaps just
+releasing the sources of your program so that other people can learn from
+them. If you redistribute parts of this code or make a game using it, it
+would be nice if you mentioned Allegro somewhere in the credits, but you
+are not required to do this. We trust you not to abuse our generosity.
+This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+because the original program does not have a manual page.
+Instead, it has documentation in the GNU Info format; see below.
+.B \-cheat \ \ \ \ 
+Self explanatory...
+.B \-turbo \ \ \ \ 
+acceleration is always on - lucky when your ship survive longer than 60
+.B \-jumpstart
+faster fadings
+This manual page was written by Eduard Bloch <blade@xxxxxxxxxx>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This small script creates a dialog-script with a program starting
+# dialog for allegro example programs
+while (<fh>) {
+  if(/(.*) - (.*)/) {
+    $prg = $1;
+    $dsc = $2;
+    $prg = $1;
+    $dsc = $2;
+    $prg =~ s/\.c.*//;
+    $dsc =~ s/\'/\"/g;
+    $db{$prg} = $dsc;
+#    print "$prg $dsc
+#    ";
+  }
+print '#!/bin/sh
+tempfile=`tempfile 2>/dev/null` || tempfile=/tmp/test$$
+trap "rm -f $tempfile" 0 1 2 5 15
+$DIALOG --clear --title "Examples programs for the Allegro library" \
+        --menu "\nHi, using this menu you can run some of example \
+        programs and utilities distributed with the Allegro library.\
+        Some of them may work on your system, some may not. Just try and \
+        you could find some nice looking demos and usefull tools.\n\n" \
+        20 80 10 \
+for (sort(keys %db)) {
+  print "\'$_\' \'".$db{$_}.'\' \\
+  ';
+print ' 2> $tempfile
+choice=`cat $tempfile`
+case $retval in
+  0)
+    cd /usr/share/games/allegro-examples/
+    /usr/share/games/allegro-examples/$choice
+    echo Press RETURN to continue...
+    read
+    exec $0;;
+  1)
+    echo "Cancel pressed.";;
+  255)
+    echo "ESC pressed.";;
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/tests.dsc
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/tests.dsc
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+afinfo - Utility for checking which VBE/AF modes are available.
+akaitest - Audio input test program for the Allegro library.
+digitest - Digital sample playing test program.
+mathtest - Fixed point maths test program.
+miditest - MIDI instrument playing test program.
+play - Sound code test program for the Allegro library.
+playfli - FLI player test program for the Allegro library.
+test - Main test program for the Allegro library.
+ex12bit  - fake 12-bit truecolor on an 8 bit card.
+ex3buf   - mode-X triple buffering and retrace interrupt simulation
+ex3d     - 3d 'bouncy cubes' demo
+exaccel  - using offscreen video memory to store source graphics
+exalpha  - 32 bit RGBA sprites
+exbitmap - loading and displaying PCX and BMP files
+exblend  - truecolor translucency
+excamera - viewing a 3d world from an arbitrary camera position
+excolmap - color mapping table effects.
+excustom - creating custom GUI objects
+exdata   - accessing the contents of datafiles
+exdbuf   - double buffering in VGA mode 13h
+exdodgy  - a cool trick you can do with the MIDI player
+exexedat - appending datafiles onto your executable.
+exfixed  - using fixed point maths
+exflame  - how to write directly to video memory
+exflip   - double buffering and page flipping in mode-X
+exgui    - using the GUI routines
+exhello  - simple "hello world" program
+exjoy    - joystick input.
+exkeys   - getting input from the keyboard
+exlights - one way to do colored lighting effects in a hicolor video mode
+exmidi   - playing MIDI music
+exmem    - drawing onto memory bitmaps and then blitting them...
+exmouse  - getting input from the mouse
+expal    - palette effects and color cycling
+expat    - using patterned drawing modes and sub-bitmaps
+exquat   - quaternion rotations.
+exrgbhsv - RGB <-> HSV colorspace conversions
+exsample - playing digital samples
+exscale  - loading PCX files and bitmap stretching
+exscroll - mode-X hardware scrolling and split screens
+exshade  - gouraud shaded sprites, by Patrick Hogan
+exspline - constructing smooth movement paths from spline curves
+exsprite - datafiles and sprite animation, by Grzegorz Ludorowski
+exstars  - 3d starfield and lightsourced spaceship, by Dave Thomson
+exstream - playing audio streams
+exswitch - controlling the console switch mode
+extimer  - using the timer (delays and interrupts)
+extrans  - lighting and translucency effects, by Owen Embury
+extruec  - truecolor pixel format conversions
+exupdate - supporting different screen update methods in a single program
+exxfade  - truecolor image loading and fades
+exzbuf   - Z-buffered polygons demo.
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/allegro-examples.1
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/allegro-examples.1
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+.TH ALLEGRO 1 "24 February 2001" Version 3.9.34
+allegro-examples - small example programs to demonstrate the power of Allegro
+.B allegro-examples
+.B playfli-from-Allegro
+.B midikeyboard-from-Allegro
+.B calculator-from-Allegro
+allegro-examples is a small overview program, used to start misc.
+examples. Tree of them can be called directly from the command line:
+playfli-from-Allegro (player for FLI/FLC animations),
+midikeyboard-from-Allegro (midi keyboard), calculator-from-Allegro
+(small graphical calculator).
+.BR allegro-config (1)
+.BR allegro
+info entry
+Additional documentation and example files are contained in the liballegro-doc package on Debian systems.
+This manual page was   written   by   Eduard   Bloch <blade@xxxxxxxxxx>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux  system  (but may be used by others).
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+cd ~
+mkdir allegro.tmp
+cd allegro.tmp
+cp /usr/share/doc/liballegro-doc/examples/* .
+echo "Uncompressing example source..."
+gunzip -v *.gz
+echo "Compiling examples..."
+for src in *.c; do
+  gcc -g -O2 -o ${src%.c} $src `allegro-config --libs`
+#  strip ${src%.c}
+echo "Compiled example programs are now in ~/allegro.tmp"
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/allegro-dev-tools.1
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/allegro-dev-tools.1
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.TH ALLEGRO 1 "24 February 2001" Version 3.9.34
+allegro-dev-tools - collection of usefull tools for Allegro developers
+.B colormap
+.B dat
+.B dat2s
+.B exedat
+.B grabber
+.B pack
+.B pat2dat
+.B rgbmap
+.B textconv
+The listed tools are distributed with the Allegro package to help
+developers on their work. They are intended to prepare some data
+(pat2dat, rgbmap, textconf) or create and manage data files that are
+used by the Allegro library (dat, dat2s, exedat, grabber, pack). Call
+this programms on the command line to print see some help about the usage of
+.BR allegro-config (1)
+.BR allegro
+info entry
+Additional documentation and example files are contained in the liballegro-doc package on Debian systems.
+This manual page was   written   by   Eduard   Bloch <blade@xxxxxxxxxx>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux  system  (but may be used by others).
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/debian/allegro-config.1
+++ allegro-3935pre1/debian/allegro-config.1
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+.TH ALLEGRO 1 "24 February 2001" Version 3.9.34
+allegro-config - script to get information about the installed version of Allegro
+.B gtk-config
+[\-\-prefix\fI[=DIR]\fP] [\-\-exec\-prefix\fI[=DIR]\fP] [\-\-version] [\-\-libs] [\-\-cflags] [\-\-static] [\-\-shared] [\-\-env] [release|debug|profile]
+\fIallegro-config\fP is a tool that is used to configure to determine
+the compiler and linker flags that should be used to compile
+and link programs that use the \fIAllegro\fP library. It is intended to
+be used on Unix systems instead of the simple "-lalleg" call.
+\fIallegro-config\fP accepts the following options:
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-version
+Print the currently installed version of \fIAllegro\fP on the standard output.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-libs
+Print the linker flags that are necessary to link an \fIAllegro\fP program.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-cflags
+Print the compiler flags that are necessary to compile an \fIAllegro\fP program.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-prefix=PREFIX
+If specified, use PREFIX instead of the installation prefix that \fIAllegro\fP
+was built with when computing the output for the \-\-cflags and
+\-\-libs options. This option is also used for the exec prefix
+if \-\-exec\-prefix was not specified. This option must be specified
+before any \-\-libs or \-\-cflags options.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-exec\-prefix=PREFIX
+If specified, use PREFIX instead of the installation exec prefix that
+\fIAllegro\fP was built with when computing the output for the \-\-cflags
+and \-\-libs options.  This option must be specified before any
+\-\-libs or \-\-cflags options.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-static
+Like \-\-libs, but allways prints the linker flags needed to get a statically
+linked executable.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-shared
+Like \-\-libs, but allways prints the linker flags needed to get an
+executable linked against shared libs.
+.TP 8
+.B  \-\-env
+Print some needed environment variables in the way needed in shell
+scripts. Output may be loaded into your environment using
+BASH#>\ eval\ \`allegro\-config\ \-\-env`
+.B release
+This will use the optimized Allegro library which you should use when
+you are compiling for a release.
+.B debug
+This will add extra debug info into your programs, useful to find out
+where your program crashed or simply to debug it (names of functions
+are seen). You may choose this option while developing a program.
+.B profile
+This may be used when you want to profile your program - i.e. measure
+the speeds of various function calls.
+.BR allegro-dev-tools (1)
+.BR allegro
+info entry
+This manual page was   written   by   Eduard   Bloch <blade@xxxxxxxxxx>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux  system  (but may be used by others). It is
+heavily based on a similar manpage for gtk-config, written by Owen
+Taylor. His notice:
+Copyright \(co  1998 Owen Taylor
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+supporting documentation.
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/misc/
+++ allegro-3935pre1/misc/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     echo "\$(LIBDIR)/${sharelib}: ${shareobj}"
     echo "	rm -f \$@"
     # gf: This bit is obviously gcc-specific
-    echo "	gcc -shared -o \$@ ${shareobj} \$(LDFLAGS) \$(LIBS)"
+    echo "	gcc -shared -o \$@ ${shareobj} \$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,liballeg-\$(shared_version).so.\$(shared_major) \$(LIBS)"
     echo ""
     echo "\$(LIBDIR)/${unsharelib}: ${unshareobj}"
     echo "	rm -f \$@"
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/demo/demo.c
+++ allegro-3935pre1/demo/demo.c
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@
    /* parse thanks._tx */
    get_executable_name(buf, sizeof(buf));
-   replace_filename(buf2, buf, "../docs/thanks._tx", sizeof(buf2));
+   replace_filename(buf2, buf, "docs/thanks._tx", sizeof(buf2));
    f = pack_fopen(buf2, F_READ);
    if (!f)
@@ -1999,7 +1999,7 @@
-   if (install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_AUTODETECT, argv[0]) != 0) {
+   if ((install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_AUTODETECT, argv[0]) != 0) && (install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_NONE, argv[0]) != 0)) {
       allegro_message("Error initialising sound\n%s\n", allegro_error);
--- allegro-3935pre1.orig/allegro.cfg
+++ allegro-3935pre1/allegro.cfg
@@ -393,8 +407,7 @@
 # patch set for the DIGMID software wavetable driver
-patches =  
+patches = /usr/share/timidity/patches/

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