Re: [AD] more patches

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Michael Bukin <M.A.Bukin@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Linux vendors did not think enough before removing default behaviour of 
> GNU info.

Yeah. I begin to understand why some people think that a Linux 
standardization project would be a good idea: it is ridiculous that there is 
no totally accepted way to do this!

> Placing entry in /usr/info/dir works for me only if I use full path to the 
>, for example
> * allegro: (/usr/local/info/allegro).	Allegro library.

How about doing that, then? If we find a dir file in the directory we are 
installing to, use that, otherwise look for a dir file somewhere else, and 
give it a full path to wherever we installed the page. It's clunky, but it 
would work, and I think it's better to do something clunky that will at 
least get the docs working for the benefit of newbies, rather than trying to 
do it a more elegant way that also needs more manual intervention, because 
anyone who knows enough to do that manual intervention properly will also 
know enough to override the default path settings, so it seems better that 
the default behaviour should favour the newbies rather than the experts...

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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