Re: [AD] more patches

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Shawn Hargreaves <shawn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Ok, it sounds like there is no consensus about where to find this, then, and 
> we probably can't count on it already being pathed. Perhaps it's another 
> problem for autoconf to deal with? Or we could always just execute 
> `locate install-info` (except that for me, that finds a copy in 
> /d/djgpp/bin and /d/egcs/bin, as well as the Linux one in /sbin :-)

I think we should leave it for the user to decide which program to use
for adding entries in the dir file.  Users could just use
INSTALL_INFO_DIR=/path/to/install-info on the make command line and we
can detect that INSTALL_INFO_DIR does not point anywhere and suggest
specifying INSTALL_INFO_DIR as workaround.

	@if $(SHELL) -c "$(INSTALL_INFO_DIR) --version | grep 'GNU install-info'" >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
	  $(INSTALL_INFO_DIR) $(infodir)/ $(INFO_DIR); \
	else \
	  echo "Could not locate install-info, read documentation"; \

> But then surely we would just end up adding our entry to a separate dir 
> file, rather than the main one the system is using? I don't totally 
> understand the need for making this symlink: surely the real problem is that 
> we have misidentified where the real $(INFO_DIR) should be?

Both standalone info and info reader in Emacs combine contents of
several dir files found in directories specified in INFOPATH, through
options or in standard directories into one virtual dir file.  Both
/usr/info and /usr/local/info are usually in the default INFOPATH.  If
other info readers could not read several dir files, that's not our

It might be simpler to have one big dir file and all other dir files
symlinked to it, but having small dir files each for its own directory
is simpler for manual editing (usually GNU packages did not bother to
add entries into dir file, but I have not built GNU packages from
sources for ages).

Michael Bukin

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