Re: [AD] more patches

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Michael Bukin <M.A.Bukin@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> - is it safe to assume that sbin will always be pathed
> And try 'which install-info' or 'whereis install-info', maybe you have 
> another copy in the different path.

I've only got the one in /sbin, but I think it must be my fault that I 
removed this from the path. Is anyone else out there running an un-messed-up 
copy of Red Hat 6 so they could check whether the root user has /sbin pathed 
by default?

>> The X code is working brilliantly for me, btw: I haven't seen any 
>> problems at all yet.
> Thank you, thank you. :)

Even better, I tried it on my work system today, and was most impressed by 
the remote performance! This was with the Allegro programs running on a p333 
Linux box, and the X server is a commercial thing called X-WinPro that runs 
on my win98 desktop (on a p500). Performance was a bit sluggish as far as 
fullscreen updates and fades (obviously limited by the speed of dumping an 
entire bitmap over the ethernet :-) but the grabber was quite usable, and 
the demo game was playable in dirty rectangle mode. And all keys seemed to 
be reported correctly, except a few that this X server always gets wrong. 
I'm impressed...

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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