Re: [translations] German

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Le 07/12/2013 12:01, David Kastrup disait :
Henning Hraban Ramm <lilypondml@xxxxxxxx> writes:

The LilyDev install docs are missing the „upgrading Linux“ part,
e.g. the request to install cyrillic fonts for TeX might ask too much
from a usual Windows or Mac user. And I’d appreciate a hint about
which IDE to use (I don’t believe in the church of Emacs), in my case:
which editor supports translations in any way, and can help with

Well, Emacs plus AUCTeX is definitely a combination not to dismiss
easily when working on Texinfo files: Texinfo is the documentation
format for the GNU project, and Emacs is its chosen editor.

One result of that is that the source highlighting, indentation,
wrapping, input support (particularly when using AUCTeX) is good (and
the LilyPond formatting defaults are set with directory-wide variables).
Not extraordinary, but good.


By far the best way to read LilyPond's documentation is doing "make
info" (which builds info including images) and "sudo make install-info",
and then using Emacs as an info reader.  […]

Only available in English.

Since the doc diff is rather big, I’d appreciate a hint where to start
- just go after the priority list?

The result of
 cd Documentation
 make ISOLANG=de NO_COLOR=1 check-translation > ../../chktrans

includes all the snippets as well. What I usually do is extract the corresponding lines in another file and deal with them separately.


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