Re: [translations] updating an up-to-date file?!?

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Il giorno sab, 27/11/2010 alle 23.41 +0100, Francisco Vila ha scritto:
> > Francisco, would you mind having a look at it?
> Documentation is [maybe too] abbreviated in this case.  The example
> just shows what has to be added to the command line for checking some
> given files.  But the part 'make [whatever] check-translation' must be
> understood as 'make ISOLANG=[your language id] check-translation'.
> Different options to achieve a given result have to be taken as added
> to the command line as options.  It is easier and more readable not to
> put always every possible option in examples. 

This is not straightforward for those (like me) who know nothing about
make files.

Also, in that page (CG 4.8.3) ISOLANG=MY_LANGUAGE is always specified
except for commands using CHECKED_FILES=

I could think that there's no need to add ISOLANG= because the script
can set automatically the language by looking at the path of the file
I'm checking (CHECKED_FILES=MY_LANGUAGE/manual/foo.itely).

(Yes, I could also think about adding ISOLANG= if it's not working...
but I trust doc editors so much! :-))

IMO we need consistency, so I suggest two possible ways:

- add ISOLANG=MY_LANGUAGE in all commands wich require it
- don't add ISOLANG=MY_LANGUAGE in any command, just put a warning at
the beginnning of the page, saying something like "you need to specify
your language in all the following commands by adding the

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