Re: [translations] new Italian Translation: which version of the doc?

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Dear Federico, dear all translators,

I'm much glad by hearing news on LilyPond italian translation!  More
details inline below, sorry for the little delayed reply.  This thread
is also a good opportunity to discuss of the translation priorities for
all languages.

Le jeudi 01 octobre 2009 à 20:33 +0200, Federico Bruni a écrit :
> So far, I've completed the first 3 chapters of LM.. and I'm waiting a
> friend to proofread chapter 2 and 3.

I hope you haven't translated the Introduction of 2.12 LM as I advised
you in early August, because both the essay it contains and the
introduction to the documentation have been recently overhauled in
development branch.  The tutorial has been splitted in two parts and
updated a little in dev branch, but these ones are easy and quick to
update in the translations.

> Yesterday I have started translating chapter 4..

Going on with translating chapter 4 is a good thing, because it's only
changed a little in development branch since 2.12.0.  However, you
shouldn't go on translating chapter 4 of 2.12 version up to completion
in case 2.14 is released in less than 2 months, so you have enough time
to update the traduction with changes in 2.13 branches before this
branch is released as the new stable branch 2.14.0  — Graham, do you
plan 2.14 for Xmas or later, or sooner?

> So it wouldn't be a big deal to transfer what I've done so far in the
> web branch..

I hope you didn't work on web branch, which contains the old web site.

> Is this ready for translations?

What do you mean by "this"?  The new website?  Well, err, I've started
working switching the build system for the documentation, but was busy
with academic work and moving to Pisa recently, so I'm sorry there's
still no decent support for translating the new web site.  That doesn't
mean translators can't start translating it, but to make it possible we
should at least make sure which parts of the new web site are stabilized
enough so these parts could be marked with highest priority for

> What do you suggest me to do?

1) When files marked with priority 1 in the CG and chapters 2 and 3 of
LM are ready to be published, send me them in a big patch or patchset.
2) I hope there will be one 2.12 release after yout work has been
committed, so there will be a docs translation in Italian widely
available to users.
3) I'll do some black magic (homebrewed scripts, text substitutions,
moving files) to update your work to 2.13 format.
4) Then you'll be able to start updating your work with changes in 2.13

How do you feel with this plan?


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