[translations] new Italian Translation: which version of the doc?

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When I started working on the translation of the doc into italian
(around June), I was suggested by John to start with 2.12, as Graham
was updating the website documentation.

So far, I've completed the first 3 chapters of LM.. and I'm waiting a
friend to proofread chapter 2 and 3.
Yesterday I have started translating chapter 4..

.... and I was thinking: should I go on with 2.12 doc? or move to 2.13?
I think I was told the first 3 chapters of LM have been almost untouched since a long time, right?
So it wouldn't be a big deal to transfer what I've done so far in the
web branch..
Is this ready for translations?
What do you suggest me to do?

I'm more motivated to work on a new documentation: because it's new,
obviously; also, because I'm using the development version.
Anyway, I'll do what is better for LilyPond :-)


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