Re: [translations] new Italian Translation: which version of the doc?

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Le vendredi 09 octobre 2009 à 19:28 +0100, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Actually, as far as I know that's already working.  Jan translated
> one or two pages into Dutch to test it.  I'm not certain if the
> translation gets the second-layer TOC colors, though.

Worse than the TOC colors, in current master branch, the translated web
site drafts don't live at the top of Documentation/, it's currently in
general/, unlike the web site in English.

> Of course, my first instinct is to say that the website isn't
> ready for translation (in terms of content, not technical stuff).
> OTOH, I doubt that anybody will touch the content in the next few
> months, so I guess the translations might as well start.

I guess this means translations may start as soon as the technical
infrastrucure is ready.

> You're translating stuff in the CG?  I'm not sure it's worth it.
> I mean, any translator (who might want to read the translation
> docs) should be able to read enough English to understand them...?

Does this make the right sense if I write instead "When files marked in
the CG with priority 1"?  I mean, there is a files priority list for
translators in the CG.

> I'm planning one 2.12 release.  I was going to do that sometime
> next week, but I can delay that if want.

If making an extra 2.12 release after the one you initially planned
takes much time and effort, this would be nicer for Federico and his
translation mate to delay the 2.12 release, so their initial translation
work is widely available, at the condition we integrate the translation
within about 2 weeks (replace this duration by any reasonable duration
you estimate).


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