Re: [frogs] joining the team

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William Bajzek Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:53 AM

So far I have just been looking through the css files and figuring out how/if they can be combined. There are some obvious differences between the common elements, even the basic body tag.

Yes.  They almost certainly can't be combined into a single
file but I'm sure some common elements can be separated
out into a file we can either make persistent or group
with the files containing the differing elements.  We can't
tell until the files can be aligned easily.
What are the lilypond-web-alt*.css ones used for?

If you inspect the source of any page you'll see these are
specified as alternate files.  However, this is probably no
longer needed - they were used to permit developers to see
various designs during the web development phase. I'll check with other developers; if no one wants them we should
be able to delete them.

is lilypond.css being used now at all, or is it just -mccarty and -web?

That's one of the things we need to discover.  Try using
git grep to search the git repository for the strings.

- William Bajzek


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