Re: [frogs] joining the team

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William Bajzek wrote Wednesday, August 04, 2010 10:01 PM

I've been a Lilypond user for a year and a half or so, and I have some extra time on my hands now and would like to get involved.

Great! Thanks.

I have 15+ years of coding experience, but not yet (AFAIK) with any languages that Lilypond uses. What's a good place for me to start?

Carl Sorensen runs the frogs, but I believe he is on
vacation this week.  In his absence I suggest you read
through the Contributor's Guide:

and familiarise yourself with the bug tracker:

Have a look there at the issues with Accepted status and
a Frog label and see if you fancy tackling any of them.
Then post any queries you have on this list and we'll
try to help until Carl gets back.


Join the Frogs!

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