Re: [frogs] joining the team

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I'll take a look at the CSS bug, #1105. Although I'm more interested in how Lilypond itself works, I am comfortable with CSS and it seems like a helpful way to get my feet wet. I'll have to figure out how the website stuff is generated and the styles are referenced so I can figure out what is being used. 

On Aug 4, 2010, at 4:10 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:

> William Bajzek wrote Wednesday, August 04, 2010 10:01 PM
>> I've been a Lilypond user for a year and a half or so, and I have some extra time on my hands now and would like to get involved. 
> Great! Thanks.
>> I have 15+ years of coding experience, but not yet (AFAIK) with any languages that Lilypond uses. What's a good place for me to start?
> Carl Sorensen runs the frogs, but I believe he is on
> vacation this week.  In his absence I suggest you read
> through the Contributor's Guide:
> and familiarise yourself with the bug tracker:
> Have a look there at the issues with Accepted status and
> a Frog label and see if you fancy tackling any of them.
> Then post any queries you have on this list and we'll
> try to help until Carl gets back.
> Trevor

- William Bajzek

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