[frogs] Another new tadpole?

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I've just joined the list too :-)

I know I've tried to do stuff in the past, but my problem has been that
I need some handholding to get started. I've got various things I want
to do, but my scheme-fu and C++fu is nil. Can people give me some
guidance on where and how to start? I'm an experienced programmer, but
my skills are C, databases and DataBasic.

The current thing I'm after doing is adding a capo option to the
chordname engraver, but I've had a look at it (the engraver) and just
can't see the wood for the trees. My next project after that would be a
fingering engraver for brass (valve and slide).

I'm running lilypond over gentoo, so everything should build fine from
git, but I'm not sure it quite worked last time I tried a build.

Not quite sure where I go from here ...


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